Grooming and Nail Trimming

Regular grooming & nail trims prevent the development of skin and mobility issues.

Two of the most popular questions we are asked are, do we trim nails and do we groom dogs? Our answer is yes! Clappison Animal Hospital is happy to provide these services for our clients.

Grooming is a very important part of your dog’s health and can also improve its lifespan. All breeds of dogs need daily brushing this keeps them comfortable. Grooming your pet regularly lets you know if there are any new lumps or bumps, scratches or other skin problems.

Nail trimming is equally as important for your dog’s health. Nails that grow too long can cause pain when walking for it puts pressure on the toes. Untrimmed nails can also grow into paw pads, causing infection.

How often should I cut my dog’s nails?

Most often dogs get their nails trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks. This can vary though, depending on breed, how much exercise they have on hard surfaces and if they chew their nails.

Most clients get their dog’s nails trimmed if they hear them clicking on the floors, getting caught on fabrics or if they see them chewing their feet.

How much does dog grooming cost for small, medium and large breed dogs?

Our groomer Stephanie has been in the business for over 20 years. She has been certified for grooming different breeds and sizes of dogs and has also been awarded medals for grooming competitions she has competed in.

Please call Clappison Animal Hospital today to speak with Stephanie or our reception for a quote on your dog’s grooming.

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