Protecting Your Dogs Paws This Winter

Winter can be our dogs worst enemy when it comes to the cold, chemicals and even going from warm inside to cold outside puts a lot of stress on the pads of their feet.

Every day you should check your dog’s feet for cracking, redness or even open sores from ice or salt.

Paw protectors are a great way to protect your dog’s feet are paw protector. This product is made out of wax and is applied to their pads to protect from salt and ice. This product can also work as a moisturizer.

Boots are also a popular accessory for owners. It is also cute to see our dog walk with a shoe like an item on. Give your dog time to get used to having them on. If you do small amounts at the beginning and work your way up to longer times, they are accepted better by your dog.

Trimming the hair between your dog’s toes is also another great practice to start. It helps stop little ice balls or even salt getting stuck up in between the toes.

We hope these tips help your dog have happy feet this winter.

Written by: Christine Attridge-Hardy, Practice Manager