
Our vets can provide a personalized treatment plan and discuss administration methods and costs.

Chemotherapy is a drug treatment using powerful chemicals to kill cancer cells. Cancer cells typically grow much faster than other cells in the body, so the chemicals often target such cells rather than normal cells.

Will chemotherapy make my dog sick?

In most cases, chemotherapy drug doses are designed to destroy the cancer cells with few noticeable side effects for the patient.

How is it given?

Most chemotherapy medications used at Clappison Animal Hospital will be oral or via intravenous injection.

What are the symptoms, causes & treatment options?

Chemotherapy for dogs is a treatment used to target cancer cells. Causes of cancer may include genetic predisposition, environmental factors, or age. Symptoms that owners might observe include weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, lumps, or difficulty breathing. Treatment options often involve chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, or palliative care, depending on the type and stage of the cancer.

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