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DIY Paw Protector
DIY Paw Protector

DIY Paw Protector

Our winters are hard on our pups paws. Everything from the cold temperatures, frost, ice, snow, salt can cause discomfort to Fido’s feet.

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"Hang In There, Baby!"
"Hang In There, Baby!"

"Hang In There, Baby!"

The original poster design has some sketchy provenance, with little copyright or authorship information available. 

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Out, Out Damned Hotspot
Out, Out Damned Hotspot

Out, Out Damned Hotspot

When I first started practicing I didn’t understand how fast hotspots could progress. Then one day I came home and my dog had developed one. 

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Are You Seeing More Skunks?
Are You Seeing More Skunks This Time of Year?

Are You Seeing More Skunks?

I don’t know about you, but when out walking my dog I have noticed this time of year there seem to be more skunks out and about.

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Celebrating Senior Pets
Celebrating Senior Pets

Celebrating Senior Pets

In October and November, we celebrate seniors!  At least we do in the veterinary medicine industry, and boy, do we love our senior friends. 

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When you see your dog’s abdomen (or stomach) getting larger it is easy to brush it off as too many cookies and too little exercise.

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Fox Tapeworm
Fox Tapeworm

Fox Tapeworm

Potentially fox tapeworm is on the rise in Southern Ontario. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your veterinarian for answers.

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Time to Talk Ticks
Time to Talk Ticks

Time to Talk Ticks

Tick talk is not the most pleasant conversation.  Ticks are unattractive, “gross” critters that nobody wants to have on their person, children or pets.  

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Introduction to Guinea Pigs and Rabbits
Introduction to Guinea Pigs and Rabbits

Introduction to Guinea Pigs and Rabbits

Guinea pigs and rabbits are sociable little creatures that have the ability to turn fibrous food products, such as hay, into energy just like horses. 

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The Right Heartworm Med for Your Pet
The Right Heartworm Medication for Your Pet

The Right Heartworm Med for Your Pet

There are so many different types of Heartworm medications available on the market that it is hard to decide on what one to choose for your dog.

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Fun Facts About Cats
Fun Facts About Cats

Fun Facts About Cats

Are you a feline lover? Do you ever wonder why your cat does silly things? Well here are some fun facts about cats that you may find interesting.

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Heartworm – What You Really Need to Know
Heartworm – What You Really Need to Know

Heartworm – What You Really Need to Know

There are several hundred cases in Canada each year, with the bulk of them being in Ontario – that means over 150 cases within 100 miles of CAH were reported in 2014. 

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